Gloria Dios! Today was a great day here in Ensenada. We did our first outreach in the city as a school. We headed downtown with a guitar, a Cajon(box drum) that I made from scrap wood, a bike, a bunch of tracts and Bibles in Spanish, and the Holy Spirit. We saw God touch lives today, was awesome. We were able by God's grace to share the gospel with many souls.
We had the cajon, and the guitar and we were just worshipping God in the main town square here by a corner with foot traffic. People were stopping and listening and wanted to talk to us. We handed out alot of Gospel tracts, and had very fruitful conversations. My friend John was riding around doing some BMX tricks and sharing with alot of kids.
Today was just filled overflowing with joy for me. Sharing Christ with people is the most satisfying and exciting thing we can ever do. There were a lot of conversations that I had with people from all stages of life, an older man that had spent many years in prison, a group of younger skaters, some scene kids, and everything in-between. Everyone we shared with was open, and received our literature and many were interested in visiting our church here.
This outreach was so encouraging, the hearts of the people here are so incredibly open. Everyone we share with is like a sponge ready to learn more about God, and willing to discuss spiritual things. It's a much different environment then I'm used to, but I love it.
We will be probably, Lord willing, doing another outreach next week. There is a huge bike festival in town and there is going to be thousands of people there, sounds like an amazing opportunity for us to share the Gospel. My friends Tale and Adriel will be trying to make it next week, so we pray God will make this outreach even more of a success then today's was.
"Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light, and what you hear in the ear, preach on the house-tops."- Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:27)