On Friday night we were in the city and had the oppertunity to witness to a group of kids on the street. We have had many oppertunities to share Christ with kids in the city, and with some surfers in San Miguel.
We had met a few guys from YWAM (Youth With A Mission/Juventud Con Una Mision) surfing in San Miguel a few weeks before, and I had heard that they had a skate ministry. I was praying about going out and checking it out, when on Friday night I went into Starbucks and met a guy and started talking to him, and it turns out he's the one over seeing that skate ministry at YWAM. We talked and I decided it was definately God's will for me to be a part of this ministry. So I went on Saturday night and checked it out.
Was so cool to talk to all the kids, even though I don't speak much Spanish I was still able to communicate the gospel and the love of God. I hung out with them all afternoon, and it was so encouraging to get to know these kids. I met some amazing brothers and sisters at the YWAM base and we spent the rest of the evening sharing our testimonies of God's grace in all our lives. I met awesome brothers and sisters from Switzerland, Japan, India, New Zealand, Britian, Canada, and Germany. This was the most encouraging night I've had since I've been here. They invited me to their church and I visited it this morning and loved it.
We will be meeting out there at the YWAM base on Thursday nights for a home group that was started to disciple the skaters that want to come. We also will be teaming up with YWAM in doing a weekly Friday night outreach to the red light district here in Ensenada.
It was pretty exciting when I was leaving at around 11p.m and I locked my keys in the car, and it started raining. They got me a coat hanger and I couldn't get the lock to open, but I saw my key on the seat, so I was somehow able to hook the key and pull it up through the insalation. Everyone had come out to spectate, and it was pretty exciting once I had the key hooked and was able to pull it through the door everyone was so stoked about it.
We're going to be going to the skate ministry every saturday night and helping out. Also on Wensday they have a community meeting and worship night at the YWAM base so i'm going to that on Wensday. I'm so stoked about what God is doing here in Ensenada, I feel the doors are begining to open and i'm so ready and willing to walk through them right now. I've gone through the last season of brokeness and pain, and I'm just praying that this next season will be one of joy.
Thank you for all your prayers, please keep us lifted up in prayer. I haven't talked to Becca in a few weeks, which has been tearing me up. Please keep her team in your prayers as well.
In Christ's love,
Was so, so blessed to read this update. Praise the Lord for all He is doing in Ensenada.....praying you continue to walk in the abundance of His grace and strength.
Hang tough. Stand strong. Trust God. Live clean....in Christ.
The VA Kaledas
Man, you know how skate ministry is so close to my heart. Praise God that you were able to hook up with the YWAM guys and their skate ministry.
May you experience a season of tremendous joy, my friend.
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