Sunday, November 9, 2008

La Mission

We just cruised north to a city called La mission to visit an orphange. I drove my car with a few girls from the school, Naomi, Brianna, and Laura. It's actually the biggest orphange in the entire northern Baja. We played soccer with a bunch of kids, played with toys, colored books, played with play-doh, and all that fun stuff. I totally was having flash backs to being little.
I spent some time hanging out with a kid that had some mental problems, and it just really was breaking my heart. It's hard to look at a hundred kids that don't have parents. I was trying to think about how their stories must be really crazy. They haven' t had as many visitors because teams haven't been coming down because of all the violence with the drug-lords. So I think we were able to bless the kids just by hanging out with them and loving them.
"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world" James 1:27
In Christ's love,

1 comment:


Awesome my brother! Orphans are especially close to the heart of God. Love to hear your stories. I also dig the big burly beard. haha. Love you, man.

Grace and peace,